2021 Virtual Conference



The 2021 Malawi Mission Network Virtual Conference was held

On-line via Zoom on

July 30th   - July 31st, 2021


This was our 18th Annual Conference and we had about 70 people attending the conference.  This came after having skipped any conference in 2020 due to the COVID19 pandemic.


We did not have just a single Keynote speaker this year, but we had speakers from all 3 CCAP Malawi Synods plus the General Assembly, all on video.

See our AGENDA to see what all was covered.

See our SPEAKER list for brief bios on each speaker.

See our VIDEO page to find links to many of the Videos of the Presentations.


All of our presentations, on both days, were on pre-recorded video.  We did this because of uncertainty of being able to have a good internet connection and of the significant time zone difference, especially with those in Malawi.  Doug Kee did the introductions and instructions live.  While the conference was live on Zoom, it was actually hosted on a computer located at Presbyterian Community Church of the Rockies, in Estes Park, Colorado. This was were the videos were played from and the overall program coordinated, but Doug called in from Plymouth, Michigan.  For the first time we were able to have a significant presence of people physically in Malawi.

With the video format, we were able to have speakers from all 3 CCAP Synods in Malawi plus the CCAP General Assembly.  In addition, we had a very interesting presentation from Dr. Kisu Simwaka, a research economist with the National Bank of Malawi.  We also were able to hear from all of the current mission co-workers based in Malawi, whether they are physically there now or are in the USA.

Since one of the benefits when we were able to gather together face-to-face was the meeting of new people and the chance to visit with old friends, we did not want to totally lose this feature.  Several times during the conference, we opened up the Zoom room in a Social Time when people could visit on-line.  This worked very well and was welcomed by all.  It still can not replace the live interaction we hope to resume in the future.