The 2016
Malawi Mission Network Conference was held
in conjunction with
the annual New
Wilmington Mission Conference in New Wilmington, PA
July 23rd
- July 26th,
This was our 14th Annual Conference and we had over
67 people attending the conference,
including a large contingent from the Pittsburgh area with their Blantyre
Synod partners.
Our Keynote speaker was
Rev. Alex Maulana, the General Secretary of Blantyre Synod, CCAP.
This meeting was a unique
gathering and experience. At the invitation of friends from Pittsburgh
Presbytery we held
our annual meeting in conjunction with the historic New Wilmington Mission
Conference at Westminster College in
western PA. This conference is a great gathering of missionaries and
mission partners from around the world which
has been meeting each summer for the past 111 years. In addition to
our normal gathering of people and churches
connected to ministries in Malawi we were able to meet and hear from World
Mission staff and partners who are sharing
the Gospel message across the globe. We also enjoyed learning more
about the 25 year history of the Pittsburgh
Presbytery / Blantyre Synod partnership. Our network has been meeting for 13
years now with many wonderful events
and the leadership team has been encouraged by PC(USA) World Mission to
pray, discuss and discern how we can
become an even stronger partnership in Christ with our colleagues in Malawi.