While many objectives of the Network can be achieved with the WEB site and mailing list, nothing can really replace a Face-to-Face meeting to help generate understanding, camaradarie, and encourage sharing. The Malawi Mission Network was first formed at a Face-to-Face meeting in August, 2003 near Louisville, KY. We had approximately 30 people at the meeting and we shared what we were all doing and were gladened to see how much we all had in common but also how much we could learn from each other. Everyone felt this was an extremely valuable opportunity and they wanted to do it again. As valuable and interesting as the formal presentations are, probably the most valuable part of the Meeting is the chance to meet and network with others with the same interests as you, and likely very different experiences you can both learn from. We have an exciting Program planned for this conference. We will have Rev. Matiya Nkhoma, CCAP Synod of Livingstonia, General Secretary as our keynote speaker and he will also be presenting several workshops. This year, we have greatly expanded our program offerings and you will have the choice of 3 different program selections at each of the 4 afternoon workshop times. See the AGENDA for full details. Begin planning now to join us for our next meeting. Registration Form. It will be:
Registration deadline is July 21st, 2006. After that, if space is still available, you may be accomodated but you may not get your first choice on room assignments - so register early. To register - go to the 2006 Registration Form To see who is already registered - go to Already Registered. (this does require the password you get when you join). You may wish to bring other family members that will not be attending the program (spouse and children) and they may stay in the Center without attending the program - the costs would be that shown above minus $50. That is if a husband and wife were sharing a double room at $221.50 apiece(with early discount), then they could bring a child and then it would be counted as a Triple room and the adults would pay $201.50 apiece while the child would pay $151.50. If you have more than 4 in a family that want to attend, contact the organizer (Jim Nussbaumer) about the rates. For info about what you or the other family members can do in the area, check out the Travel Page. You may also wish to come a day or two early or stay a day or two after the conference to take advantage of the wonderful Colorado mountains in the summer time. Contact the organizer (Jim Nussbaumer) for rates on that. There is no guarantee if meals will be served in the Retreat Center if there are not enough people staying there, but there are many places to eat in the surrounding areas. We will have Rev Matiya Nkhoma, the General Secretary for CCAP Livingstonia Synod as our featured speaker. The agenda will be posted here when it is developed. We have extended the schedule to include breakfast on Sunday so that we can have enough time on Saturday to take advantage of the gathering of so many people and not feel so rushed to 'get away'. You will also be able to come a day or two early if you wish. This may be a good opportunity for you to see a little bit of the Colorado Rockies from a base right in the heart of things. Travel: CLICK HERE TO SEE LOTS OF THINGS TO DO IN THE AREA