PC (USA) Malawi Mission Network
2008 Face-to-Face Registration Form

Normal Registration Deadline: July 20th, 2008


Name: ______________________________________________

Address: ____________________________________________

City: _______________________   State: ____________      ZIP: ____________

Phone: ________________________            Fax: ________________________

Alternate Address: _______________________________________________

Alternate Phone/Fax/Email: _________________________________________

Email: ________________________________________

Gender: M _____     F _____

Other Family Members on same registration form:
Name:___________________________  Gender: M ___ F____  Relation: _________

Name:___________________________  Gender: M ___ F____  Relation: _________

Name:___________________________  Gender: M ___ F____  Relation: _________

Do you have any dietary or physical special needs?  _____________________________

Church Affiliation:
Congregation or other organization: __________________________________________

Are you already registered as a member of the Malawi Mission Network?  __ YES   __NO
(You are not required to be a registered member to attend. Attending will sign you up for the network.)

If you are NOT already registered as a member, please answer the question below:
What is your connection to or interest in Malawi?  Tell why you are interested in the meeting.






Travel/ Lodging Information


I will arrive on ____/_____/____ at _____________ a.m./p.m. on Airline ____________

Flight # ________________ at Tulsa International Airport.

I will depart on ___/_____/_____ at _____________ a.m./p.m. on Airline ____________

Flight # ________________  from Tulsa International Airport.

Will you need a ride from the airport?  ____ YES    ____ NO

I will be driving  and arriving at approximately ______a.m./p.m. on _____________


Everyone will need to share rooms - as they are all priced as doubles due to the special pricing we have obtained..  
Each room has 2 queen sized beds with a private bath.

Type of Registration: - Full registration includes 3 nights lodging, all meals and program
expenses (indicate number of people at each rate below if more than one person being
registered on one form)

    _____ Double Occupancy Room: $295.00 ($320.00 after July 20th)

    _____ Commuter Registration: $90 ($115 after July 20th):
                 Includes 2 lunches,  3 dinners, 1 breakfast and program expense

Since all rooms are double occupancy,   who will you be rooming with:  
____________________________  or "assign me as needed" _______

If you do not have a preferred room-mate - we will match you up with others as needed
to maximize the room usage and minimize the costs.

I will check in on:    ____/_____/______ and check out on ____/______/______.

Total Amount Enclosed: $_________

If you have any questions please email Julie Burton at julieaburton@sbcglobal.net

Please mail this application along with your check  to:

Eastern Oklahoma Presbytery
700 S. Boston, Ste 200
Tulsa, OK 74119
Attn: Julie Burton

The Registration Fee  - (a check) should be made out to:
Eastern Oklahoma Presbytery
and marked for "Malawi Network Meeting